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Some couples, single parents manage their egg donors from among their relatives, friends, or from the previous donors. Bringing your donor will reduce the time involved in surrogacy, it will also decrease the cost of surrogacy.
The following factors may affect a woman’s ability to donate eggs. These factors increase the rate of a successful pregnancy and reduce the risk of congenital anomalies.
You can also find a donor through one of many certified egg donor agencies and registries. Some people place ads for donors in college newspapers or other publications that young women read.
IVF (In vitro fertilization) is a process of fertilization where egg is combined with sperm outside the human body.
Read MoreA tiny needle is used to inject at the centre of egg. As compared to ivf, IVF- ICSI has higher success rate.
Read MoreHysteroscopy: It’s a diagnostic tool to check that your uterus is healthy to carry your pregnancy or not and also fixes the problem.
Read MoreMinimal Invasive surgical procedure to examine pelvic reproductive organ and pelvic cavity
Read MoreIUI is a simple and affordable procedure in which our expert doctors put well prepared semen directly into the uterus to increase the chances of pregnancy.
Read MoreThis is a scientific IVF technique that can make it easier for the embryo to “hatch” or breakthrough its outer layer or “shell” (a membrane also known as the zona pellucida) by creating an opening.
Read MoreEmbryo freezing (cryopreservation) freezes and stores fertilized eggs for later use. It also can help people preserve fertility and get pregnant in the future.
Read MoreA blastocyst is a cluster of dividing cells made by a fertilized egg. A blastocyst forms about five to six days after a sperm fertilizes an egg.
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