Male Infertility Treatment


Male Infertility Treatment

Male Infertility is increasing in incidence and the male partner is becoming more responsible for causing infertility. Over last 3 decades sperm counts have fallen significantly and this is due to lifestyle changes, obesity, smoking, poor diet, pollutants and stress.

How can you improve the results of your treatment?

1. Diet: A diet rich in antioxidants like carotene, CoQ, lycopene, Vit E & C, It has been found that antioxidants prevent DNA damage in sperms. Diet which is specific to sperm health should be given
  • Vitamin C: Lemon, Orange.
  • Vitamin E: found in nuts, oils, and spinach
  • Folic acid: Green leafy vegetables.
  • Selenium: tuna, nuts, and chicken.
  • Lycopene: found in tomatoes, bell peppers and watermelon.
  • Zinc: chicken, meat.
2. Quit smoking: Smoking is known to cause DNA damage and hamper sperm production
3. Loose weight and do exercise: Overweight men have a 2-3 times more chance of a lower sperm count.
4. Avoid hot baths and tight under wears, keeping laptops on their lap – anything which makes the temperature of testis higher as this hampers sperm production
5. Painter Varnishers, metal workers, miners, farmers – for the chemicals they use which can be toxic to the sperm
6. Drugs: Avoid drugs like cocaine and marijuana as they lower sperm count.
7. Alcohol: Excessive alcohol also affects fertility.
8. Get genetic tests done – If Sperm counts are very low – Karyotyping and Y chromosome microdeletion must be done.

Treat General Health Conditions:

Any chronic ill health like diabetes , hypertension Kidney disease can impact fertility and must be treated

Go to the Gracious IVF Centre:

In case IVF is needed an experienced doctor and embryologist are needed to carry out any assisted reproduction technique like intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) Here the best sperm is chosen and injected in the egg and expertise is required. For choosing the best sperm there are various techniques like IMSI, PICSI, Mac and microfluidics. Good IVF laboratories will also have advanced semen testing like DNA damage tests
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